
This tutorial shows how to create a simple library database which manages books and authors using Norman.

Creating Tables

The first step is to create a Table containing all the books in the library. New tables are created by subclassing Table, and defining fields as class attributes using Field:

class Book(Table):
    name = Field()
    author = Field()

New books can be added to this table by creating instances of it:

Book(name='The Hobbit' author='Tolkien')

However, at this stage there are no restrictions on the data that is entered, so it is possible to create something like this:

Book(name=42, author=['This', 'is', 'not', 'an', 'author'])


We want to add some restrictions, such as ensuring that the name is always a unique string. The way to add these constraints is to set the name field as unique and to add a validate method to the table:

class Book(Table):
    name = Field(unique=True)
    author = Field()

    def validate(self):
        assert isinstance(self.refno, int)
        assert isinstance(self.name, str)

Now, trying to create an invalid book as in the previous example will raise a ValueError.

Validation can also be implemented using Table.hooks.

Joined Tables

The next exercise is to add some background information about each author. The best way to do this is to create a new table of authors which can be linked to the books:

class Author(Table):
    surname = Field(unique=True)
    initials = Field(unique=True, default='')
    dob = Field()
    nationality = Field()

Two new concepts are used here. Default values can be assigned to a Field as illustrated by surname, and more than one field can be unique. This means that authors cannot have the same surname and initials, so 'A. Adams' and 'D. Adams' is ok, but two 'D. Adams' is not.

We can also add a list of books by the author, by using a Join. This is similar to a Field, but is created with a reference to foreign field containing the link, and contains an iterable rather than a single value:

class Author(Table):
    surname = Field(unique=True)
    initials = Field(unique=True, default='')
    nationality = Field()
    books = Join(Book.author)

This tells the Author table that its books attribute should contain all Book instances with a matching author field:

class Book(Table):
    refno = Field(unique=True)
    name = Field()
    author = Field()

    def validate(self):
        assert isinstance(self.refno, int)
        assert isinstance(self.name, str)
        assert isinstance(self.author, str)

This is dynamic link, so every time the books attribute is queried, the Book table is scanned for matching values. Since each record has to be checked individually this can become very slow, so the author field can be indexed to improve performance by adding an index argument to its definition. It is worth noting that unique fields are automatically indexed, so Book.name already supports fast lookups:

class Book(Table):
    author = Field(index=True)

A Join can also point to another Join, creating what is termed a many-to-many relationship. These are discussed later, since they rely on a Database being used.


These tables are perfectly usable as they are, but for convenience they can be grouped into a Database. This becomes more important when serialising them:

db = Database()

Database.add can also be used as a class decorator, so the complete code becomes:

db = Database()

class Book(Table):
    refno = Field(unique=True)
    name = Field()
    author = Field(index=True)

    def validate(self):
        assert isinstance(self.refno, int)
        assert isinstance(self.name, str)
        assert isinstance(self.author, str)

class Author(Table):
    surname = Field(unique=True)
    initials = Field(unique=True, default='')
    nationality = Field()
    books = Join(Book.author)

Many-to-many Joins

The next step in the library is to allow people to withdraw books from it, tracking both the books a person has, and who has copies of a specific book. This is known as a many-to-many relationship, as Book.people contains many people and Person.books contains many books, and is implemented in Norman by creating a pair of joins which target each other.

First we need to create another table for people, adding a join to a new field, which we will add to Book. However, this causes a slight problem, since we need to reference Book.people in order to create Person.books, and we need to reference Person.books in order to create Book.people. Fortunately, Norman allows an alternative method of defining joins when the target Table belongs to a database:

class Person(Table):
    name = Field(unique=True)
    books = Join(db, 'Book.people')

class Book(Table):
    people = Join(db, 'Person.books')

In the background, a new table called '_BookPerson' is created and added to the database. This is just a sorted concatenation of the names of the two participating tables, prefixed with an underscore. It is possible to manually set the name used by using the jointable keyword argument on one of the joins:

class Person(Table):
    name = Field(unique=True)
    books = Join(db, 'Book.people', jointable='JoinTable')

The newly created join table has two unique fields, Book and Person, i.e. the participating table names. While records can be added to it directly, it is advisable to add them to the join instead, so for example:


Adding records

Now that the database is set up, we can add some records to it:

dickens = Author(surname='Dickens', initials='C', nationality='British')
tolkien = Author(surname='Tolkien', initials='JRR', nationality='South African')
pratchett = Author(surname='Pratchett', initials='T', nationality='British')
Book(name='Wyrd Sisters', author=pratchett)
Book(name='The Hobbit', author=tolkien)
Book(name='Lord of the Rings', author=tolkien)
Book(name='Great Expectations', author=dickens)
Book(name='David Copperfield', author=dickens)
Book(name='Guards, guards', author=pratchett)


Queries are constructed by comparing and combining fields. The following examples show how to extract various bit of information from the database.

See also


  1. Listing all records in a table is as simple as iterating over it, so generator expressions can be used to extract a list of fields. For example, to get a sorted list of author’s surnames:

    >>> sorted(a.surname for a in Author)
    ['Dickens', 'Pratchett', 'Tolkien']
  2. Records can be queried based on their field values. For example, to list all South African authors:

    >>> for a in (Author.nationality == 'South African'):
    ...     print(a.surname)
  3. Queries can be combined and nested, so to get all books by authors who’s initials are in the first half of the alphabet:

    books = Books.authors & (Author.initials <= 'L')
  4. A single result can be obntained using Query.one:

    mybook = (Book.name == 'Wyrd Sisters').one()
  1. Records can be added based on certain queries:

    (Author.nationality == 'British').add(surname='Adams', intials='D')


serialise provides an extensible framework for serialising databases and a sample implementation for serialising to sqlite. Serialising and de-serialising is as simple as:

MySerialiser.dump(mydb, filename)


MySerialiser.load(mydb, filename)

For more detail, see the serialise module.

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