Data Structures


Database instances act as containers of Table objects, and support __getitem__, __contains__ and __iter__. __getitem__ returns a table given its name (i.e. its class name), __contains__ returns whether a Table object is managed by the database and __iter__ returns a iterator over the tables.

Tables may be added to the database when they are created by using Database.add as a class decorator. For example:

>>> db = Database()
>>> @db.add
... class MyTable(Table):
...     name = Field()
>>> MyTable in db

The database can be written to a file through the serialise module. Currently only sqlite3 is supported. If a Database instance represents a document state, it can be saved using the following code:

>>> serialise.Sqlite.dump(db, 'file.sqlite')

And reloaded:

>>> serialise.Sqlite.load(db, 'file.sqlite')
class norman.Database

The main database class containing a list of tables.


Add a Table class to the database.

This is the same as including the database argument in the class definition. The table is returned so this can be used as a class decorator.

>>> db = Database()
>>> @db.add
... class MyTable(Table):
...     name = Field()

Return an list of the names of all tables managed by the database.


Delete all records from all tables.


Tables are implemented as a class, with records as instances of the class. Accordingly, there are many class-level operations which are only applicable to a Table, and others which only apply to records. Table operations are defined in TableMeta, the metaclass used to create Table.

class norman.TableMeta

Base metaclass for all tables.

Tables support a limited sequence-like interface, with rapid lookup through indexed fields. The sequence operations supported are __len__, __contains__ and __iter__, and all act on instances of the table, i.e. records.


A dict containing lists of callables to be run when an event occurs.

Two events are supported: validation on setting a field value and deletion, identified by keys 'validate' and 'delete' respectively. When a triggering event occurs, each hook in the list is called in order with the affected table instance as a single argument until an exception occurs. If the exception is an AssertionError it is converted to a ValueError. If no exception occurs, the event is considered to have passed, otherwise it fails and the table record rolls back to its previous state.

These hooks are called before Table.validate and Table.validate_delete, and behave in the same way.


Return True if the table contains any records with field values matching kwargs.

delete([records=None], **keywords)

Delete delete all instances in records which match keywords.

If records is omitted then the entire table is searched. For example:

>>> class T(Table):
...     id = Field()
...     value = Field()
>>> records = [T(id=1, value='a'),
...            T(id=2, value='b'),
...            T(id=3, value='c'),
...            T(id=4, value='b'),
...            T(id=5, value='b'),
...            T(id=6, value='c'),
...            T(id=7, value='c'),
...            T(id=8, value='b'),
...            T(id=9, value='a')]
>>> sorted( for t in T.get())
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> T.delete(records[:4], value='b')
>>> sorted( for t in T.get())
[1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

If no records are specified, then all are used.

>>> T.delete(value='a')
>>> sorted( for t in T.get())
[3, 5, 6, 7, 8]

If no keywords are given, then all records in in records are deleted.

>>> T.delete(records[2:5])
>>> sorted( for t in T.get())
[6, 7, 8]

If neither records nor keywords are deleted, then the entire table is cleared.


Return an iterator over field names in the table.


Return a set of for all records with field values matching kwargs.


Iterate over records with field values matching kwargs.

class norman.Table(**kwargs)

Each instance of a Table subclass represents a record in that Table.

This class should be subclassed to define the fields in the table. It may also optionally provide validate and validate_delete methods.

Field names should not start with _, as these names are reserved for internal use. Fields may be added to a Table after the Table is created, provided they do not already belong to another Table, and the Field name is not already used in the Table.


This contains an id which is unique in the session.

It’s primary use is as an identity key during serialisation. Valid values are any integer except 0, or a UUID. The default value is calculated using uuid.uuid4 upon its first call. It is not necessarily required that it be universally unique.


Raise an exception if the record contains invalid data.

This is usually re-implemented in subclasses, and checks that all data in the record is valid. If not, and exception should be raised. Internal validate (e.g. uniqueness checks) occurs before this method is called, and a failure will result in a ValueError being raised. For convenience, any AssertionError which is raised here is considered to indicate invalid data, and is re-raised as a ValueError. This allows all validation errors (both from this function and from internal checks) to be captured in a single except statement.

Values may also be changed in the method. The default implementation does nothing.


Raise an exception if the record cannot be deleted.

This is called just before a record is deleted and is usually re-implemented to check for other referring instances. For example, the following structure only allows deletions of Name instances not in a Grouper.

>>> class Name(Table):
...     name = Field()
...     group = Field(default=None)
...     def validate_delete(self):
...         assert is None, "Can't delete '{}'".format(
>>> class Grouper(Table):
...     id = Field()
...     names = Group(Name, lambda s: {'group': s})
>>> group = Grouper(id=1)
>>> n1 = Name(name='grouped', group=group)
>>> n2 = Name(name='not grouped', group=None)
>>> Name.delete(name='not grouped')
>>> Name.delete(name='grouped')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Can't delete 'grouped'
>>> { for name in Name.get()}

Exceptions are handled in the same was as for validate.

This method can also be used to propogate deletions and can safely modify this or other tables.



A sentinel object indicating that the field value has not yet been set.

This evaluates to False in conditional statements.

class norman.Field

A Field is used in tables to define attributes of data.

When a table is created, fields can be identified by using a Field object:

>>> class MyTable(Table):
...     name = Field()

Field objects support get and set operations, similar to properties, but also provide additional options. They are intended for use with Table subclasses.

Field options are set as keyword arguments when it is initialised

Keyword Default Description
unique False True if records should be unique on this field. In database terms, this is the same as setting a primary key. If more than one field have this set then records are expected to be unique on all of them. Unique fields are always indexed.
index False True if the field should be indexed. Indexed fields are much faster to look up. Setting unique = True implies index = True
default None If missing, NotSet is used.
readonly False Prohibits setting the variable, unless its value is NotSet. This can be used with default to simulate a constant.
validate None If set, should be a list of functions which are to be used as validators for the field. Each function should accept a and return a single value, and should raise an exception if the value is invalid. The return value is the value passed to the next validator.

Note that unique and index are table-level controls, and are not used by Field directly. It is the responsibility of the table to implement the necessary constraints and indexes.

Fields have read-only properties, name and owner which are set to the assigned name and the owning table respectively when the table class is created.

Fields can be used with comparison operators to return a Query object containing matching records. For example:

>>> class MyTable(Table):
...     oid = Field(unique=True)
...     value = Field()
>>> t0 = MyTable(oid=0, value=1)
>>> t1 = MyTable(oid=1, value=2)
>>> t2 = MyTable(oid=2, value=1)
>>> Table.value == 1
Query(MyTable(oid=0, value=1), MyTable(oid=2, value=1))

The following comparisons are supported for a Field object: ==, <, >, <=, >==, !=. The & operator is used to test for containment, e.g. `` Table.field & mylist`` returns all records where the value of field is in mylist.

See also

validate for some pre-build validators.


A join is basically an object which dynamically creates queries for a specific record. This is best explained through an example:

>>> class Child(Table):
...     parent = Field()
>>> class Parent(Table):
...     children = Join(Child.parent)
>>> p = Parent()
>>> c1 = Child(parent=p)
>>> c2 = Child(parent=p)
>>> p.children
{c1, c2}

Here, Parent.children is a factory which returns a Query for all Child records where child.parent == parent_instance for a specific parent_instance. Joins have a query attribute which is a Query factory, returning a Query for a given instance of the owning table.

class norman.Join(*args, **kwargs)

A join, returning a Query.

Joins can be created with the following arguments:

Explicitly set the query factory. queryfactory is a callable which accepts a single argument and returns a Query.

This is the most common format, since most joins simply involve looking up a field value in another table. This is equivalent to specifying the following query factory:

def queryfactory(value):
    return table.field == value
Join(db, 'table.field`)
This has the same affect as the previous example, but is used when the foreign field has not yet been created. In this case, the query factory first locates 'table.field' in the Database db.

It is possible set the target of a join to another join, creating a many-to-many relationship. When used in this way, a join table is automatically created, and can be accessed from Join.jointable. If the optional keyword parameter jointable is used, the join table name is set to it.

See also
For more information on many-to-many joins.

The join table in a many-to-many join.

This is None if the join is not a many-to-many join, and is read only.


The name of the Join. This is read only.


The Table containing the Join. This is read only.


A function which accepts an instance of owner and returns a Query.

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