
Norman is designed to make it easy and efficient to implement any data structure more complex than a dict. The structures are stored entirely in memory, and most operations on them are significantly faster than O(n), often O(log n).


Database-like API

Norman uses a database approach and terminology, allowing it to be used to prototype a formal database. The basic data object is a Table which can be instantiated to create records. This is the same approach used by sqlalchemy.


Data validation is easy to apply on either fields or tables, and can be implemented using the full power of Python.

Complex structures

Tables can be linked together using a Join. This is similar in concept to a typical database join, but is far more flexible as it allows any Query to be used as the join definition.

Mutable structure definitions

Data structures are completely mutable, and every aspect of them can be changed at any time. This feature is especially useful for AutoTable, which dynamically creates fields as data is added.

Powerful queries

Norman provides a powerful and efficient query mechanism which can be customised to allow rapid, indexed lookups on arbitrary queries (e.g. records where record.text.endswith('z')).

Serialisation framework

The serialise module provides a framework for easily developing readers and writers for any file format. This allows norman to be used as a file type converter.


Norman supports Python 2.6 or higher (up to 3.3). The test suite requires nose and mock to run.

Norman in on pypi, so it can be installed using pip install norman or can be installed from source. Please user the issue tracker to report bugs and feature requests.


Norman is designed for working with relatively small amounts of data (i.e. which can fit into memory), but which have complex structures and relationships. A few examples of how Norman can be used are:

  1. Extending python data structures, e.g. a multi-keyed dictionary:

    >>> class MultiDict(Table):
    ...     key1 = Field(unique=True)
    ...     key2 = Field(unique=True)
    ...     key3 = Field(unique=True)
    ...     value = Field()
    >>> MultiDict(key1=4, key2='abc', key3=0, value='a')
    MultiDict(key1=4, key2='abc', key3=0, value='a')
    >>> MultiDict(key1=5, key2='abc', key3=5, value='b')
    MultiDict(key1=5, key2='abc', key3=5, value='b')
    >>> MultiDict(key1=6, key2='def', key3=0, value='c')
    MultiDict(key1=6, key2='def', key3=0, value='c')
    >>> MultiDict(key1=4, key2='abc', key3=5, value='d')
    MultiDict(key1=4, key2='abc', key3=5, value='d')
    >>> query = (MultiDict.key1 == 4) & (MultiDict.key2 == 'abc')
    >>> for item in sorted(query, key=lambda r: r.value):
    ...     print(item)
    MultiDict(key1=4, key2='abc', key3=0, value='a')
    MultiDict(key1=4, key2='abc', key3=5, value='d')
  2. A tree, where each node has a parent:

    >>> class Node(Table):
    ...     parent = Field()
    ...     children = Join(parent)
    ...     node_data = Field()
    >>> root = Node(node_data='root node')
    >>> child1 = Node(node_data='child1', parent=root)
    >>> child2 = Node(node_data='child2', parent=root)
    >>> subchild1 = Node(node_data='2nd level child', parent=child1)
    >>> sorted(n.node_data for n in root.children())
    ['child1', 'child2']
  3. A node graph, where nodes are directionally connected by edges:

    >>> class Edge(Table):
    ...     from_node = Field(unique=True)
    ...     to_node = Field(unique=True)
    >>> class Node(Table):
    ...     edges_out = Join(Edge.from_node)
    ...     edges_in = Join(Edge.to_node)
    ...     all_edges = Join(query=lambda me: \
    ...                      (Edge.from_node == me) | (Edge.to_node == me))
    ...     def validate_delete(self):
    ...         # Delete all connecting links if a node is deleted
    ...         self.edges.delete()
  1. Even a lightweight database for a personal library:

    >>> db = Database()
    >>> @db.add
    ... class Book(Table):
    ...     name = Field(unique=True, validators=[validate.istype(str)])
    ...     author = Field()
    ...     def validate(self):
    ...         assert isinstance(, Author)
    >>> @db.add
    ... class Author(Table):
    ...     surname = Field(unique=True)
    ...     initials = Field(unique=True, default='')
    ...     nationality = Field()
    ...     books = Join(
  2. Norman provides a sophisticated serialisation system for writing data to and loading it from virtually any source. This example shows how it can be used as a converter data from CSV files to a sqlite database:

    >>> db = AutoDatabase()
    >>> serialise.CSV().read('source files', db)
    >>> serialise.Sqlite().write('output.sqlite', db)