.. currentmodule:: norman What's New ========== This file lists new features and major changes to **Norman**. For a detailed changelog, see the mercurial log. Norman-0.6.2 ------------ *Release Date: Not Released* - Add built-in support for many-to-many joins. - Hooks added to `Table` to allow more control over validation. - Add `Query.field`, allowing queries to traverse tables. - Add `Query.add`, allowing records to be created based on query criteria. - `Field` level validation added, including some validator factories. - Add `validate.todatetime`, `validate.todate` and `validate.totime`. - Deprecated the `tools` module. Norman-0.6.1 ------------ *Release Date: 2012-07-12* - New serialiser framework added, based on `serialise.Serialiser`. A sample serialiser, `serialise.Sqlite` is included. - `serialise.Sqlite3` has been deprecated. - Documentation overhauled introducing major changes to the documentation layout. - Add boolean comparisons, `Query.delete` and `Query.one` methods to `Query`. - `Table` now supports inheritance by copying its fields. - Several changes to implementations, generally to improve performance and consistency. Norman-0.6.0 ------------ *Release Date: 2012-06-12* - Python 2.6 support by Ilya Kutukov - Move serialisation functions to a new serialise module. This module will be expanded and updated in the near future. - Add sensible `repr` to `Table` and `NotSet` objects - `Query` object added, introducing a new method of querying tables, involving `Field` and `Query` comparison operators. - `Join` class created, which will replace `Group` in 0.7.0. - `!Field.name` and `!Field.owner`, which previously existed, have now been formalised and documented. - `!Field.default` is respected when initialising tables - `Table._uid` property added for Table objects. - Allow `Table.validate_delete` to make changes. - Two new `tools` functions added: `tools.dtfromiso` and `tools.reduce2`. - `Database.add` method added. - Documentation updated to align with docstrings. - Fix a bunch of style and PEP8 related issues - Minor bugfixes Norman-0.5.2 ------------ *Release Date: 2012-04-20* - Fixed failing tests - `Group.add` implemented and documented - Missing documentation fixed Norman-0.5.1 ------------ *Release Date: 2012-04-20* - Exceptions raised by validation errors are now all ValueError - Group object added to represent sub-collections - Deletion validation added to tables through `Table.validate_delete` - Minor documentation updates - Minor bugfixes Norman-0.5.0 ------------ *Release Date: 2012-04-13* - First public release, repository imported from private project.